Monday, 21 July 2014

Your Business is An Idea Now; Stay Active and Make it Real

Starting a business can be rough. There are so many decisions to make it makes your head spin. The worst part about starting a business, most of the times anyway, you are all alone; just you and your vision of what you want to do. At least people think they are alone. Most of the times there are so many services, individuals, and organizations there ready and willing to help you. The problem with those is that, we, Joe Common usually do not know about them because we are not usually out to start a business.  It is more than high-time you get acquainted with the services you need in order to succeed.

New business owners, start ups, or people with great business ideas are usually struggling to get past the first hurdle; the concept. The fact is a lot of people who say they want to start a business don’t know exactly what niche they want to fill. They may see a need and decide they want to fill it, but the actual niche escapes them. Still there are others who know exactly what they want to do and how to go about it. These just lack the resources and quickly fold under the pressure of obstacles. That is the exact niche Alphaxiom was created to fill.

We realized that Entrepreneurs have the will but sometimes do not know the way. There are so many great business minded individuals that would otherwise have created essential businesses if the resources they needed was a bit more transparent. Personal experiences while developing the concept for Alphaxiom, fusion, and omnipresence has taught us that the way and resources are not readily known and in some cases available. The owners that put this together definitely had to scrounge and do a lot of searching. We want to share that experience with you and will be providing information relevant to start ups and small business owners; not just the services.

The one important thing business owners need to be aware of while starting a business is a simple thing that needs no one to set for them; goals. By setting small goals you will help yourself to open the business world to you. The goals should be minimal at first so you get a clear picture of what you want. By setting goal and accomplishing them you set your mind on a path to keep yourself focused during the harder times. It may sound a bit out there when you first read it, but with time and effort you will begin to see the value of accomplishing small goals. Just be sure the goals all have something to do with your business.

Actively seek out opportunities to learn; the more you are actively involved in your field of choice the better. Sometimes that means doing some work for free, yes I said FREE and I do mean it. To get experience and insight sometimes you have to bite the bullet and just do something for nothing. The more exposure you have to what you desire the more you will know it is what you want to do and how to go about doing it. Business doesn’t happen overnight and the ideas do not usually come overnight either. It takes time and in some cases repetition and some failure to get it done. Fact is, there is not teacher like experience.

Start doing things to make your business happen. Believe me when I tell you that you will never have the energy to get your business going unless you start taking steps. Research is one great way of going about doing something. I take nothing away from learning from someone else. There are still many other things you can do to help yourself become accustomed to the environment you will be entering. Actively seeking ways to move forward with your business can be a hassle because of all the setbacks and negativity that may come from people you know. But staying the course even when it seems like everyone is right is exactly what you need to do. Consider any negativity your reason for success. If you can prove to the naysayers that you can, they may be your best source of word-of-mouth advertising.

Develop some good habits because starting a business is not easy nor is it simple; but it is not rocket science. Those good habits are going to shape you for the next step of your life as a business owner. There are a few things you can do:

    Set Simple Goals that pertain to your business
    Actively seek out resources that you think you may need
    Stay focused on your business by doing little things to keep you in gear
    Develop a tough skin
    Actively talk about your business with any and everyone
    Do some free work pertaining to what you are planning to do
    Research, research, research
    Network with other people
    Repeat, reuse, recycle those actions

You want to be as active in doing something business related as possible. Your actions are what is going to keep your business idea from staying in your head. Grab your dreams and make them into a tangible business by getting involved with your dreams. Dreams are how small businesses are born.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Outsourcing is not the Enemy

Outsourcing is a confusing issue for business owners. One complaint is that it costs money to outsource what could have been done in-house. That is absolutely true. But the problem with that truth is that it hides the true intent of outsourcing. To be honest, outsourcing is not the enemy it is made out to be. Fact is outsourcing some work is actually good for business in many ways. Yet another fact to consider is that outsourcing a project may be very cost effective. It can also save you time hiring a specialist for one task. But let me highlight a few pros to choosing to outsource work.

One consideration is outsourcing means you will be able to save money by not hiring an employee to fill a role. The money that comes to hiring, training, giving benefits, plus adding bonuses can be spared and put to good use. Often small business owners will go hire an employee who specializes in a particular task in hopes of getting the person in question to add value to the company. The employee will now cost the regular salary plus the cost of any and all benefits, which include but are not limited to sick days. Outsourcing eliminates the need for a permanent hire and or benefits associated with the permanent hire. All you end up paying is the one fee agreed upon when you enter into a contract; no need for benefits.

The savings in a regular salary plus benefits can have huge implications on the bottom-line as well. Consider that a thirty thousand dollar a year employee can cost the company upwards of 90,000 per year. When you outsource a project you pay a onetime fee to the contractor you hire. You can have other jobs go through the same freelancer and do not have to give them any type of benefits. Best of all; you are not paying them when there is no work to do. When the contract is over it over it is the end of the story.

The workmanship to outsourced work can also be better than a hired employee. These people often see the work you are providing them on a regular basis. They can offer detailed addition to your project based on their experience. What you may get from a freelancer when you outsource is the perfected craft that may have taken years or months.

When you hear about outsourcing give it some serious consideration. There are companies and individuals that could be better served by doing jobs for you. Outsourcing not only helps you save, but offers a variety of ways one can go about handling projects. I would advise a company considering outsourcing to do their research and give it some serious thought. You could be creating a lasting relationship with a really good resource.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Time to be About Your Business

 Still stuck on finding funding for your business idea, still pining away because you haven’t had the get up and go to start your business, or is it that you just don’t know what to do or where to go, or even how to go about it. Many entrepreneurs never get started because of these simple things, never mind the friends and family members who are constantly in your ear about doing something practical instead of opening a business that will fail. But then again why did you have that dream of owning a business in the first place? Did you have it so you could fail? I bet not!

When a business fails before it begins, it is usually explained in one reasoning or another, typically one of those above. The person with the idea gets talked out of it, they don’t know where to go for resources, they don’t know what to do, or they simply just give in to all the naysayers because they are trusted friends or family members.

As for the naysayers; heeding good advice is not a bad thing… but when it comes to business most of the people you know Unlocking Success(roughly 90%) have already set in their mind that working for someone else is the only way to make money. In this case, good advice would come from someone who understands or at least encourages you to do some research or get your dream of owning a business started. The others, though well meaning, are looking out for your best interest, by using their own fear of failure, or their own views of success. Where they think they are helping you, you could in fact help them by showing them another way of making money. You could create business partners within your community who will inspire the next generation of business owners in your circle. It is important to find the answers you need in their advice, but it is critical that you decide even with the fear that builds up because of their advice, to move forward the best way possible. We are here to help with that if necessary, but do not give up on your dreams because of someone else fear. I will finish this exposition as this: All those people that are in your ear about business and doing something practical; your parents, friends, neighbors, whomever – they all work for someone like you! Who once had a dream and decided to act on it regardless of those they loved and their advice. So don’t just dare to dream, become the dream!

Looking for resources or money to start your business? Some can be found right here on the pages of Alphaxiom. Simply scroll your mouse-pointer over the “Small Business Resource Center” and visit any of those pages for the resources you need. We have funding (yes, Money), marketing, visitors you can advertise to (if you have an online site), Communication, and others. If you don’t see what you want simply hit the contact button and ask a question, we will find you what you need and it may not even cost you a dime. We just want you to at least try. Ask questions, ask questions, ask questions!!!! Don’t just read the blog we put up and think we don’t have the time to answer your questions or help you seek out resources we haven’t been able to get yet. Alphaxiom was put in motion to help the entrepreneur succeed. A little sobering truth, Alphaxiom was started by a business student and Indie Author who wanted to help enterprising people, of the like-minded nature. First as a blog, hence the blogging platform, which slowly began morphing into a full website full of resources to help you turn your idea into a business. So ask away, any question.

Procrastination is one of the biggest dream-killers of all time. Sitting around and pining away while saying you’ll get to it, while never getting to it. That is procrastination. It can cost you months, if not years, and some depression as you realize time is going by and you haven’t done anything or enough. The best thing you can do is start tasking on your dream, one thing at a time until you build steam, or at least until your mind comes out of its depressive haze. When your brain is locked in, let’s call it “loser ville”, it will feel like you have failed, and therefore doesn’t need you to try. You can also develop a massive fax-ego, where you tell yourself that you will be successful, all while doing the minimal work to get done. Failure will come in the guise of lost time and you will blame everything but the fact that you’re not working enough. Again, the best thing you can do is to start working on your business plans or marketing one piece at a time until your mind works its way out of the funk that it’s in.

To summarize the thoughts here:Getting your business started is up to you and only you. The advice of others, though well meaning can have a negative impact on you and your dream if you don’t decide for yourself what you need to do. It’s called an informed decision; that takes into account advice, research you do, action on your part, and anything you Do in order to try to get things moving. A well informed decision does not mean listening to someone because you trust them. Even your best friend who will pull you from a burning house cannot decide your future success. So don’t you dare give up on your dream until you have tried and succeeded or failed on your own terms. You never know unless you try. Live with that mantra.

Remember, Alphaxiom is here to help. Ask ask ask any question that you have, no matter how foolish it may seem to you. You or someone else could benefit from that question, via a blog post or an answer. Visit Alphaxiom ages for business resources or ask, visit us often for updates and subscribe for more information on business building and organization.

Friday, 27 June 2014

The Importance of Business Insurance Coverage to a Business

The importance of taking out an insurance policy in order to protect ones business against an unforeseen loss cannot be underscored. It is important that one considers whether their business will be able to recover in case of occurrence of a risk. More often than not the answer would be, no. It is therefore vital for all business owners to ensure they have insurance coverage.

The amount of consideration paid in form of premiums by companies is relatively small compared to the amount of money the insurance company undertakes to pay in case the risk covered by the insurance policy occurs. This makes taking out an insurance policy affordable for all kinds of business owners including owners of small businesses.

The insurance companies work in such a way that it offers the same kind of coverage to a large number of business establishments. The insurance companies then use the premiums paid by all of them to compensate any of the policyholders, in case the risk covered by the insurance policy occurs. This is known as the spreading of risk.

There are various types of insurance policies that business owners can take out in order to protect their businesses from any unforeseen losses. These insurance policies are such us;
  • Commercial property insurance
This kind of insurance covers everything that is related to loss and damage of the business property. This loss may be caused by unforeseen events such as; theft, fire, catastrophic losses, vandalism and so on. The definition of property in this case is broad as it includes business interruption, lost income, computers and company papers. Property insurance policies come in various forms and the owners of small businesses can choose the policy that is suitable for their needs.
  • General liability insurance
This kind of insurance protects business owners from losses likely to occur as a result of legal expenses. Legal claims may come as a result of negligence, injuries and accidents. When a lawsuit occurs, the general liability policy covers all the legal expenses.
  • Product liability insurance
Product liability insurance protects business owners against financial loss that may occur due to a defect of a product that may result into injury or bodily harm. The amount of premium paid depends on the product you sell or manufacture.
  • Professional liability insurance
Business owners should take out professional liability insurance cover. Professional liability insurance is also known as errors and omissions insurance. Liability coverage protects business against losses that may occur due to errors, negligence and malpractice in the provision of services to customers.

The main objective of carrying out any kind of business is to make profit, regardless of whether it is a small business or a large business. Business owners should ensure that they maximize on profits and minimize costs. By taking out insurance policies, the business owners protect themselves from losses that may be incurred as a result of any financial loss. Financial loss includes; damage to business property, theft, lawsuits, and product defects.

There are a myriad of insurance policies that business owners can take out in order to cover their businesses against financial loss. Since financial loss is not discriminative on the business size, it is advisable that small, medium-sized and large enterprises take out insurance policies based on the financial risk they face.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Staying the course in rough times

Businesses operations have times when it makes you want to stop and just say, “I give up”. You are not alone if you have gotten to that point. Many business owners can attest to having those moments, some on a daily basis. It is no different than working for someone and having a rough day. As a developing business these trying times can be overwhelming. But you’re not alone in what you’re going through.

Seasons companies have those moments, daily. The difference between you and them is that the owners no longer have to deal with it because they stayed the course and got the company to a point where they hired people to help designate certain jobs to. This helps to offset the tasks that you are currently dealing with now. Though it may seem tough, you are providing a service and some day employment opportunities for your community if you can outlast the rough times.

The trying times can come in so many ways; not getting enough or any clients for days, seeing activity but no conversion, not making what you think you should or what your marketing outlook predicted, and so much more. It does not take much to seem like things are falling apart because of the pressures already associated with running a business. What you have to remember is that it is rewarding and a great feeling to own a business but it comes with a lot of getting by.

One thing you can do for yourself to help with tough times is to take a moment to reflect on why you started a business in the first place, envision what it is you want to accomplish, envision accomplishing your goals, reflect on what it is that attracted you to the business, and consider the alternative; would it be any better working for someone else as opposed to owning your own? The answers will not be the same for everyone just as owning a business is not for everyone. Some people would prefer structured environments rather than structuring environments.

Taking time to enjoy a good break is an effective strategy for dealing with the stress of business. It may not be an entire week away, which rarely happens. It may just be an hour, even fifteen minutes just to breath before getting back on the horse. Take the time away from business activity and see if it helps to clear your head of what it is you are going through at the moment. Most times it is one breakdown that causes people to walk away from their business because it may seem like a mountain at the time when all it is is simply a momentary breakdown.

Remember, you started your business for a reason, you had a goal, you had a vision and out of that formed a mission (i.e. your business & plans). Use moments of reflective critical thinking to justify what it is you want to do and why. Many businesses that fail could have been saved by simply pulling back. But because of the inability of the owner to correctly assess the reasons for stressful situations the fire in them dwindled until the business had a “closed” sign on the front door. Simply take the stresses and give them a clean sweep. Enjoy your moments.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

How to Run a Small Business

Being a little business owner comes with challenges distinctive to the scale and performance of the business. the tiny business owner needs to handle all the challenges of mercantilism, delivering, financing, managing and growing the business with very little or no employees, whereas making an attempt to create it successful. the foremost necessary of all is to retain the interest of all stakeholders like customers, vendors and team to make momentum in a very short span of your time. a couple of recommendations on a way to run a little business will create these challenges easier to handle. However, running a little business is massively rewarded each in person and financially.

  •  Make your bank work for you.
  •   Consider using a credit control app that helps small businesses improve their cash flow through better management of day-to-day cash collection and customer credit control tasks.
  •  Meet with your local Small Business Development Center.
  •  Create a business plan.   
  •  Network as much as possible.
  •  Manage your inventory efficiently.
  •  Stay organized.
  •   Know your business.
  •   Get your license.
  •   Certify employees.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Creative Ways to Start a Business

If you have ever tried starting a business you know it is no easy task. There is so much to consider just to even get the idea from your head onto paper most times. Add to that all the sophisticated technology running businesses and you have confusion at its maximum capacity. To boot, to entrepreneurs looking to start a business and ask questions it seems like most everyone is set on scavenging the meat from your bones in the form of cash, which there is very little of most times. Those who aren’t lucky enough to know someone or meet the standards of investors are often hit the hardest. All that makes the process seem quite impossible to most people looking to jump into the “business owner circle”. But are the ways to start a business truly so limited? Are there any options other than what you’ve seen or been told?

The resounding answer is NO! But most business-consulting firms would not tell you that because it would cut into their profit margin. In fact, when faced with a prospect who cannot afford the fees most businesses (agents/employees) are taught not to waste time, or simply wish the party “good luck”. But there are other ways you can attempt to get started. They take dedication, hard work, timing, and the most important resource your business will ever have; you.

businesslike anything else, each way takes research, critical thinking, and common sense to know if it will work for you or not. Being the foremost authority on, YOU, you should know your limitations, be willing to research the area you want to open a business in, and the profitability and feasibility of the type of business you want to open. Unsure of where to start just hit the contact button, it’s free to ask and get some details. Please remember that Alphaxiom only makes suggestions and willing to offer tangible advice on steps that can be taken to help you get started, unless contracted to help you; outside of a contract we take no responsibility for your efforts – we are simply here to applaud and lend our words. Now on to the good stuff.

I will being by telling you – and confirming that many businesses can begin from the comfort of your home with little to no extra funds than what you probably have in your wallet or bank account. It is a well-known fact that many successful businesses were started with less than a cup of coffee. Even even those reading this very post frequent many of these businesses, in many countries around the world. True, some have had investors come in and offer cash after the business started doing well or they saw that the owner had a solid business plan but the fact remains, some did start with zero to little up front cost.

The most critical thing when starting a business is to research your industry and local regulations, pertaining to your industry especially if it will be a tangible business (Brick and mortar). You need to know what license, certificates, fees, or paperwork is necessary in order for you to set up shop. Though not important in all business forms, it is still important to at least know what people in your area expect from businesses. Not that you cannot get around it, but in some places where certain license is not needed some people will refuse to do businesses with those who do not show certain documents or license.

Customer culture is also important while you’re doing research. Who lives in the locality where you want to do business, what do they like, what are they like are some of the questions that need to be asked. It is critical that you get to know the customs of the locals before you set up shop, even if well-funded. There aren’t enough ways to stress that you should get to know your prospective clients even a little before you do business.

The old adage, “you have to spend money to make money” is correct in some instances. But there are some businesses that can work around that, in part or in whole. It just depends on what type of business, your influence in the locality, people you know, and the willingness of the locals to work with and purchase from you. But you can bootstrap a business and still become profitable within days, months, or years. Since businesses depend on the person running it to generate profit that just goes to reason.

Funding a business isn’t as hard as it used to be. Although getting loans or funds isn’t an easy task, there are still ways to go about getting the cash you need to start a business that requires cash to get going. Banks, private lenders, investors, and other entities exist for this sole purpose. Even with less than perfect credit most lenders or investors will allow you to get a co-signer if you don’t qualify by yourself. Explore the options available to you, using your favorite search engine and terms like, business financing, small business loans, grants, available grants, money for business, or so may terms that will bring the right type of funding source you’re looking for to your browser. Of course you can feel free to start your loan search by visiting our finance page and applying to one of the lenders we have invited for your convenience.

Deciding where you will set up shop is a hairy task. Much like Alphaxiom, the decision to rent space, start from home, start from someone’s basement, or simply start in cyberspace depends on the type of business you want to run. These days just about any business you open can be run from anywhere. The main thing is to be visible and available for questions or to answer questions. People still want to know that someone is there when doing businesses with them.

Advertising and letting people know your business is alive is probably the most horrifying task of all. If you are someone who doesn’t like crowds it can be harrowing to even think about advertising or answering the phone to speak to someone about your business… Good thing is, it’s not impossible either it just takes practice. Advertising can be free to any amount of dollars you can afford. For some businesses, free classifieds can work much better than the most expensive form of advertising possible. Product knowledge, market knowledge, and knowing your audience is key for this to work right. And don’t worry about getting it wrong because one form of advertising is never going to be enough to attract the amount of clients you want anyway. These days social media has made paying for ads almost needless, if you know what you’re doing. What I will say if you go the solo-route is that you should invest in ad and marketing when you start earning enough; you do not want to swim alone in a sea of sharks and that is the equivalent of the business environment. Whatever you do stay the course and put your all into it to make it work.

Speaking of not doing it alone; form partnerships or take on mentors or affiliations with other business owners / businesses whenever possible. Just know what you’re getting into, that is my only caution as always. Mentors ad affiliations are and will be an invaluable tool against

With so many of the larger companies pulling upstarts into court for almost nothing it is important that you meet other business owners within your sector so you know where you stand or have someone to ask questions when necessary. And yes, a company taking small business owners to court does happen. They don’t want you cutting into their actions so they will revert to any tactic that gets you out of the way, for the pettiest things. Sometimes it is just to pull you into court because they know, or hope, that you will not have the resources or money to survive a court battle. It is the business industry’s dirty little secret. So be ready to defend your business to your prospects and against companies who maliciously attempt to soil your name for no more reasons than getting you to quit.

There will be more articles in coming weeks about specific businesses that can be started from home. Be on the look out for them. Do your due diligence if you’re ready to start your business. Be fearless in your product or service offering and let nothing stunt your drive toward success. Think outside of the space that present business owners have created for themselves because they own it, but clients love an entrepreneur who challenges the norm to form their own brand. The most important resource you have is the one you were born with, common sense and your ability to think. It is what will help you most in knowing how to go about starting your business and what you can do to make it succeed. And of course, feel free to hit the contact button with any questions you may have.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Customer Service: The Balancing Act

We all want to provide top-notch customer service because we want the customer to come back again and again for the experience. It is what many businesses do, ignore their product-line or their product availability for customer service. Though this sounds like it could be a warning against a storefront, we all provide a product, even if we call this product a “service”. Your product or service is the number one reason your client is coming to see you, even if they come and shoot the breeze with you, their number one reason for the visit: The product that they have come to know and love you for. It’s not personal, but people have their needs and those needs need to be met, that’s what your business is there for.

Unfortunately, many business owners, who have grown up with the mantra of customer service forget this because they have been branded with the words, “customer service”. Though great customer service is the number one goal, it is not the ultimate aim. Both the client and yourself have an ulterior motive, your product or service; they want to put it to use and you want them to pay you for it.

Many business owners forget this in the push for great customer service. Many companies now in fact are pushing their employees to provide great customer service at the cost of providing adequate access to the product that they are seeking. Let us use a store for example: The stores are all being geared to providing great customer service because of a discovery by some great sales people – customers tend to purchase from those they trust and have a good relationship with. Many business owners wishing to capitalize on this fact push their employees to provide greater and greater customer service. Because of this, store aisles, grounds, and product availability suffer constantly costing sales and angering customers who go off to find the product they need elsewhere. Chances are, while you’re paying attention to customer service alone, your competition has discovered a good balance, providing customer service while giving them adequate access to the product line.

A healthy balance is necessary in anything we do. It is one thing to provide great customer service, but if you do not have the product your customers need or they have to wait a good amount of time for you to find them the product, they will end up in the clutches of the competition. What you need to learn is how to divide the workload so that there are customer service employees and product specific employees in the operations centers (Place where customers are). They need to be constantly refreshing products while the CS (customer service) employees go about meeting and greeting your customers. One employee who knows where all the goods and services are or resources to them need to be designated, while the rest are taught what this employee knows. Each employee should have good product knowledge as well as customer service training.

By doing this, you not only create an environment of great customer service, but set a precedent for great customer service, product availability, and customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is greater than customer service because it shows that you have provided an acceptable level of service and had products/service/knowledge readily available to meet or exceed the needs of your client. Now, isn’t that the number one goal of customer service anyhow? It is great that you want to become a place where your customers come and their visit should be a memorable one. And it will not be memorable if all they did was come in and talk instead of getting what they needed.

One of the things you can do as a business owner is learn how to remove your emotions from the business and empower your employees to make decision based on what they see. Teach them how to recognize and cooperate in dealing with the customer and their needs. By doing this you not only create entrepreneurial minded employees who will go out and service your customers well, but will also create decision making customers who think like you. They will own the business and the responsibility of making your company’s vision of customer service a success.

In closing, even friends argue when they can’t get what they want or need from one another. They will go to other friends if you can’t provide their necessity. It is the same with customers who come to your business. Customer service must be synonymous with product availability or service availability; otherwise the latter is a failed effort. A business owner must not sacrifice their product for customer service or vice versa. Both must work hand in hand for the business to remain financially healthy and stable.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Pains of Funding in These Times

Financing a business is a hard task in an already tough economy. Banks are being asked to toughen their already harsh conditions for qualifying borrowers, especially when it comes to businesses, small businesses in particular. Because of this many small business owners have been forced to make tough consolidator decisions. Some of those are recognized in daily unemployment reports, or in closing disclosures, or any business cost-cutting actuary these days. It seems that is the way business is being done while asking consumers to have confidence in their businesses. The irony is not at all lost on consumers who are in turn tightening their own belts. The good news is there are lenders still investing in the economy, even start ups and small business owners.

With banks shunting small business owners, private lenders, angel investors, and other money-based organizations are stepping in to lend money to small businesses and entrepreneurs for startup cash or to supplement their small cache of cash for those times they are strapped or trying to do more with their business.

Finding a lender or cash to fund projects for your business is no longer an impossible task, as there are lenders practically begging business owners to apply. The one requirement I have seen time and again is that the main borrowers have good credit or find someone that does to become a cosigner on the application. This ensures that they qualify the borrower for the loan and that they are actively selling loans.

There are others ways to raise money, of course. Crowd funding, or fund raising is quickly becoming a staple in many corporations around the globe. This phenomenon has been helpful to many organizations that can say they benefited from a crowd fund agency. Crowd funding works on the principle of many supporting one, Business and organizations have used and sustained the practice of companies like Crowd Tilt, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and other crowd funding companies with the sole purpose of helping companies raise money for everyday operational costs.

Angel investors are hard to find but once you do, you’re in for a treat. The hardest requirement is the need for a business plan, which will be read by a professional or consulting company hired by the investor to make sure they are investing in a good risk. Though some investors require credit checks, others simply require a small to moderate portion of your business’ lifetime profits. If seeking and investor be sure to read any agreement form and also be ready to share your income with the investor/s that take you on as a partner.

Unsecured loans are becoming very popular. Typically, unsecured business loans come in smaller amounts than a secure line but are typically easier to get. Some of the hoops are eliminated to make it easier for the borrower to get the cash they need. There is no collateral required to get this type of loan, but can cost a great deal in the end. It is best to pay attention to the fine print when going for these types of loans. Unsecured loans for small businesses range from about $5,000 to upwards of a millions dollars, and can cost just as much. If you plan on going for an unsecured loan please read the fine print,

As banks tighten their belts, small lenders and investors are taking a chance on established and new businesses. These small lenders have in some ways, simplified the application process to help small business owners and entrepreneurs qualify for funds they would not otherwise qualify to get with traditional lenders. This move has helped a lot of businesses that would not other wise qualified for traditional loans with banks or lenders. With the options available to you for business loans be sure to explore them all when seeking funding. Like regular loans, go over the terms and make a good decision that will benefit both you and your customers during the hard times.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Time to be About Your Business stuck on finding funding for your business idea, still pining away because you haven’t had the get up and go to start your business, or is it that you just don’t know what to do or where to go, or even how to go about it. Many entrepreneurs never get started because of these simple things, never mind the friends and family members who are constantly in your ear about doing something practical instead of opening a business that will fail. But then again why did you have that dream of owning a business in the first place? Did you have it so you could fail? I bet not!
When a business fails before it begins, it is usually explained in one reasoning or another, typically one of those above. The person with the idea gets talked out of it, they don’t know where to go for resources, they don’t know what to do, or they simply just give in to all the naysayers because they are trusted friends or family members.
As for the naysayers; heeding good advice is not a bad thing… but when it comes to business most of the people you know (roughly 90%) have already set in their mind that working for someone else is the only way to make money. In this case, good advice would come from someone who understands or at least encourages you to do some research or get your dream of owning a business started. The others, though well meaning, are looking out for your best interest, by using their own fear of failure, or their own views of success. Where they think they are helping you, you could in fact help them by showing them another way of making money. You could create business partners within your community who will inspire the next generation of business owners in your circle. It is important to find the answers you need in their advice, but it is critical that you decide even with the fear that builds up because of their advice, to move forward the best way possible. We are here to help with that if necessary, but do not give up on your dreams because of someone else’s fear. I will finish this exposition as this: All those people that are in your ear about business and doing something practical; your parents, friends, neighbors, whomever – they all work for someone like you! Who once had a dream and decided to act on it regardless of those they loved and their advice. So don’t just dare to dream, become the dream!
Unocking SuccessLooking for resources or money to start your business? Some can be found right here on the pages of Alphaxiom. Simply scroll your mouse-pointer over the “Small Business Resource Center” and visit any of those pages for the resources you need. We have funding (yes, Money), marketing, visitors you can advertise to (if you have an online site), Communication, and others. If you don’t see what you want simply hit the contact button and ask a question, we will find you what you need and it may not even cost you a dime. We just want you to at least try. Ask questions, ask questions, ask questions!!!! Don’t just read the blog we put up and think we don’t have the time to answer your questions or help you seek out resources we haven’t been able to get yet. Alphaxiom was put in motion to help the entrepreneur succeed. A little sobering truth, Alphaxiom was started by a business student and Indie Author who wanted to help enterprising people, of the like-minded nature. First as a blog, hence the blogging platform, which slowly began morphing into a full website full of resources to help you turn your idea into a business. So ask away, any question.
Procrastination is one of the biggest dream-killers of all time. Sitting around and pining away while saying you’ll get to it, while never getting to it. That is procrastination. It can cost you months, if not years, and some depression as you realize time is going by and you haven’t done anything or enough. The best thing you can do is start tasking on your dream, one thing at a time until you build steam, or at least until your mind comes out of its depressive haze. When your brain is locked in, let’s call it “loserville”, it will feel like you have failed, and therefore doesn’t need you to try. You can also develop a massive faux-ego, where you tell yourself that you will be successful, all while doing the minimal work to get done. Failure will come in the guise of lost time and you will blame everything but the fact that you’re not working enough. Again, the best thing you can do is to start working on your business plans or marketing one piece at a time until your mind works its way out of the funk that it’s in.
To summarize the thoughts here:Getting your business started is up to you and only you. The advice of others, though well meaning can have a negative impact on you and your dream if you don’t decide for yourself what you need to do. It’s called an informed decision; that takes into account advice, research you do, action on your part, and anything you DO in order to try to get things moving. A well informed decision does not mean listening to someone because you trust them. Even your best friend who will pull you from a burning house cannot decide your future success. So don’t you dare give up on your dream until you have tried and succeeded or failed on your own terms. You never know unless you try. Live with that mantra.
Remember, Alphaxiom is here to help. Ask ask ask any question that you have, no matter how foolish it may seem to you. You or someone else could benefit from that question, via a blog post or an answer. Visit Alphaxiom’s ages for business resources or ask, visit us often for updates and subscribe for more information on business building and organization.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

New Business or Franchise?

To Franchise or to open new; that is the multimillion-dollar question. When starting a business this is one of the main questions today. With so many franchises and business opportunities out there, it is a viable question with answers only you can help provide. These days every single business form has a franchise that you can buy into. So what’s the advantage to opening a franchise versus opening a brand new business?
Franchises come with a built-in customer base. That is the main reason to franchise a business idea rather than starting fresh. Clients move around all the time and you may end up franchising a business that is known to people in the community you decide to open it in. One of the most successful franchise models around to date is of course, Dunkin Donuts. No matter where you go and see one of these stores they almost always have a long line of waiting customers. Today at least one DD can be seen on every corner, along with lines of waiting customers from the moment it opens. That is because Dunkin Donuts spent a considerable amount of capital investing in marketing and brand recognition. If you do not know what Dunkin Donuts is, then you probably live under a rock.
When you start a new venture you have to do your own client gathering. It does not matter how visible you are if no one knows or trusts you enough to do business with you. You will have to invest a considerable amount of capital on marketing. If you market right potential customers will see your ads and get a feel for your business. They will spend time getting to know you and over the course of time, to trust you.
One advantage to starting a business from scratch is the investment capital. You do not need to have a set amount of dollars in your bank account to start because you have more leeway. The decisions will be 100% yours and creativity can be used to generate interest, funding, location and other pertinent parts of the business. You are 100% in control of how business is done.
Franchise companies usually have a set of rules for marketing, media relations, funding sources, investment, location, and other aspects for the business. That is because these franchises already have an established image they wish to maintain. Where you could possibly start a restaurant with as little as 5k, a franchise restaurant may cost you upwards of $100,000 initial investment to get things set properly and you may not break even for years. A lot of the decisions as to business model and process have already been made as well. Make sure you read through the material provided so you know what is expected of you because some franchises do reserve the right to revoke your license.
Starting a business is an important decision. Do your research whether you’re planning on franchising or starting a fresh business. Although a franchise could help you skip a few steps, you could find out franchising is just not for you. The same could be said for starting a business from scratch. There are rules that should generally be followed by industry. Remember that there are and have been companies, who have been doing things a certain way and depending on the location, people could be used to business being done in that particular way. It is important to understand the business and the mindset of your potential clients. Always weigh the pros and cons of franchising to starting fresh. But whichever direction you decide to go, go it at 100% capacity and with as much research as you can possibly do in order to minimize the mistakes you will make during the course of your development.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Never Too Late to start your Business

April 2014. You may still be thinking about a business you’d like to start, or if you’re like most of people, you’re beating yourself for wasting too much time. While others see April as four months into the year or four months wasted. You should see April as the time to start a business; yours!

It’s never too late to get moving on the inspiration to start a business though it may seem like it because of the time since the beginning of the year to now. Truth be told, most about time; many companies do not have their annual kickoff from January to December, it is any month as business owners put their companies into motion during that time. Just because you’re still at the thinking phase doesn’t mean you wasted time; it means you’re planning and trying to see the results. And that is great, but maybe it is time to start moving before you start doubting you can do it. And don’t worry we have all been there, procrastinating because we think we are not going to be successful. But the first step is always the hardest and the simplest.

The simplest thing to do is to simply begin the process of building. It doesn’t have to be the drastic step of quitting your current employment to go start the business. But simply that you take some time during the day when you have some free time or spending your lunch time doing things that set your business in motion, like researching or making a few well-placed phone calls. You just need to get into the act of starting a business and letting your mind envelope the new reality you’re trying to create.

Now, before we go getting gung-ho do you have a plan? Do you know what you want to do, at least have an idea of what you want to achieve, or at least have some semblance of what your product or service means to the consumers that will end up being your clients. These are critical pieces to your business because it will be your guide to your business. It will also help to shape your mission and vision statements, which are also very important to your business’ future. To put it bluntly; without a mission and vision statement your future employees will not know what you are looking to achieve and have it in front of them daily. It is important you establish one by knowing the basics of your business so that neither your employees nor yourself ever forget why the business was formed in the first place.

2014 is still a great year to start a business and if I were the one with a great business idea, or even think I had one, I would be using my free time to research the business and see what I could do to get started as early as possible. There are a great many months left to the year; why not make a success out of them? There are many niches still unfilled and many clients still unattended because a viable service or product is not in their area. You could be that service or product distributor.

To share my own endeavor; Alphaxiom Business Services was first introduced to the world as a blogging platform for authors. After getting started with blogging everything was erased as the thought of actually doing business became prevalent and the more that was created and added to the basic blog, was the more vision that was developed. Now Alphaxiom brokers services and information by leveraging companies and their services that new or existing small business owners or entrepreneurs utilize or need daily. But this business came because of great procrastination and lots of thought, but mostly because action was taken to put the company in motion. Today Alphaxiom provides access to small business loans through three companies, hosting services, Insurance, Legal form services and other services, as well as services to be added, and our newly added Mega Mall. Sharing this is not to boast but to show you what you can accomplish by simply getting started and letting things develop. Alphaxiom Business Services is nowhere near a Multi-Million dollar company but we are working toward that goal daily and hope to inspire entrepreneurs to accomplish the same.

As always we wish you the best with what you do and hope you are prosperous. If you were inspired please feel free to drop us a note via our Contact form or share what inspired you with your readers or others who want to do something good. For those of you who have questions or are unsure about something feel free to use our contact page to get in touch. Alphaxiom was created as a help to small business owners and entrepreneurs and that will never change. We are always here to answer your questions pertaining to business, finding resources, help with a little research, or simply answer questions or try to point you in the right direction. We are committed to helping you help the economy by succeeding. So ask away, we will do our best to answer. Let’s make 2014 a year that saw your business put in motion.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Creation of a “How To” Business category

Business ideas come and go. Sometimes they come or go due to the owner’s lack of places to turn for answers or inspiration, or “Dream killers” (people who present the negatives). But they do not have to! I am about to answer questions you may find helpful by creating a specific, “how to”, business category where you can come and read all about starting a business, or using the things you already have to start a business.

Impractical ideas, and yet practical to the ones who want to attempt them; businesses and business ideas loom on everyone’s mind from time to time. As a business connoisseur of sorts, Alphaxiom is no different than the ones in your head. All that happened here is, Alphaxiom stopped being an idea and became a reality. But that is the properties of a business idea. It is often gibberish to anyone who hears about it or sees it on paper, except to the one who wants to do it.

Often, you as a prospective entrepreneur have questions of, how. How to start, where to start, where can I find information, should I actually do this?
The answers will be here, in the: How to start a Business column. What I will do is do my due diligence and present you with some sound suggestions on how you can start a business, mostly without the high-cost of starting a business as well as the traditional routes you can, or should take to get going.
While most practical businesses take resources to get going, you would be surprised at how many of us began using less than a week’s salary and our Will to make our ideas a reality. A well thought out plan and execution will help to put your business into motion and Alphaxiom will be more than happy to help put those beautiful thoughts into motion. We want to do it, to help you set your business idea into motion because there are people who genuinely need those services you may be keeping tightly locked within your head, for fear of failing or being ridiculed. With the creation of the, “How to Start a Business” column, we ask that you be mindful that these are only suggestions and you should also do your own research to make sure that your locality has no laws against any of the suggestions before you do this. If there aren’t then the sky’s the limit.

We also urge you to ask any questions you may have through the use of our contact button; we will let you know if we are overwhelmed with questions and will give you a time frame of an answer, if the answer isn’t immediate. All we ask in return is a testimonial for any helpful information we provide and a share of anything you find useful, at Alphaxiom. You are witnessing the Equation of Business. We are looking to help you get your business ideas going.

As always, please remember that Alphaxiom, is a business resource broker and small business services provider. We thrive because of you, we survive because of you, and we work with you. Alphaxiom: The Equation of Business lives here.